Available in 250, 1000 and 2000 grams.
- Pour some Kera Coat into a container, mix in a spoon of KC Stoneware and stir well.
A mixture appears that can be tamped onto the workpiece to accentuate certain parts. The more powder the coarser the paste. Make sure that it is well stirred through so that it is all going to harden! - Mix more KC Stoneware powder through the KeraCoat and a kind of clay mass will be compared to "bread dough". When it starts to form a ball, sprinkle more powder over it and knead "the ball" into a clay that does not stick to the hands anymore. Just keep adding powder until it no longer sticks.
- This clay dries very quickly so do not make too much at the same time!
In short, KC Stoneware can be used in several ways and of course it can also be mixed with KC Pigment or processed with KC Bister.